As the owner of Open Skies Drone Services, I’ve put a lot of thought into how to continue providing our services in the current situation. The below safety measures will be taken to ensure all on site work is completed in the safest manner possible. In creating the following measures, equal consideration was placed on preventing all parties from getting OR spreading COVID19. These measures will be implemented while COVID19 safety concerns remain. I will also be performing all on site services. If someone else is required for a service, I will let you know prior to scheduling.

PLEASE NOTE: For the time being, all services will be provided on a case by case basis. Once we know the specifics of your request (the property and your needs), we’ll then be able to determine if we can help. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

We will personally be taking the following precautions:

All equipment will be wiped down between photo shoots. I would also recommend having the owner wipe everything down after I leave as an extra precaution. 

Only the necessary equipment will be brought into the home to minimize my presence in the home and nothing will be left behind (including any trash, wipes, etc).

During the shoot a mask and shoe coverings will be worn as an extra precaution. Hand sanitizer will be used prior to entering and gloves can be worn if requested by the home owner.

Homes will be photographed AS IS:

To minimize my presence in each home, I will avoid re-arranging or touching any surfaces. This means that all homes will be photographed as they are when I arrive and I will not adjust any items in the home. This is to protect owners and myself as well as allow me to move through the property as quickly as possible. I've prepared a prep list to be shared with sellers so they know what to complete prior to the scheduled shoot - PREP LIST.

An empty home is preferred for everyone's safety:

This is a great opportunity for the homeowners to stretch their legs on a walk, go to a park or take a drive which should be welcomed given the current situation of being stuck at home lately. To minimize everyone’s potential risk, it is preferred that homes be empty during all scheduled shoots. This includes owners, occupants and pets to reduce unnecessary interactions.

Provide each other updates as needed:

In the event that I am not feeling well I will take extra precaution to provide updates ASAP if I need to cancel any photo shoot. I would request that the same courtesy be reciprocated should any occupant of the home not feel well and show any concern for potentially spreading COVID19.

I will continue offering virtual tours as well as other aerial + ground services in this manner as long as I feel I can operate safely and there is no government mandate preventing me to do so. 


If you have any question, please call 801 901 2007 or email